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Black History Spotlight


The world of Information Technology (IT) has seen unprecedented growth and change over the past three decades. From the rise of the internet to the proliferation of smartphones, IT has become an integral part of our daily lives. But what's it like to have been a part of this ever-evolving industry for almost 30 years, especially as a black woman?


In this blog, we'll explore the journey of a resilient black woman who has witnessed the highs and lows of IT throughout her career.


A Trailblazer from the Start:

When Cleotha embarked on her IT journey in the early '90s, she was met with challenges that were often magnified by her identity as a black woman. Back then, the tech industry was predominantly white and male, and diversity and inclusion were not buzzwords as they are today. However, Cleotha's passion for technology and her unwavering determination helped her overcome these barriers.

Cleotha Elledge

The Early Years

In the early years of her career, Cleotha faced her fair share of discrimination and prejudice. She often found herself being the only woman and person of color in meetings and conferences. This lack of representation made it challenging for her to build a professional network and gain the recognition she deserved. Despite these obstacles, Cleotha persevered and used her unique perspective to her advantage.


Breaking Stereotypes:

One of the most significant challenges Cleotha faced was breaking stereotypes associated with black women in IT. She constantly had to prove her technical prowess to overcome the preconceived notions that she couldn't excel in a male-dominated field. Cleothas dedication and expertise began to shatter these stereotypes, gradually earning her the respect and admiration of her peers and superiors.


Building a Support System:

Throughout her journey, Cleotha recognized the importance of having a strong support system. She actively sought out mentors and allies who helped guide her career and provided valuable advice. Joining organizations and groups like MCWT that advocated for diversity in IT also played a crucial role in her professional development. These connections allowed Cleotha to share her experiences, learn from others, and work towards a more inclusive tech industry.

Embracing Change

Over the years, Cleotha witnessed the rapid transformation of IT. From the dot-com bubble to the mobile revolution, she adapted to new technologies and embraced change. This willingness to learn and evolve allowed her to stay relevant in a constantly shifting industry. Moreover, Cleotha's diverse perspective became an asset as companies recognized the importance of diversity in innovation. 


Advocating for Diversity and Inclusion

As Cleotha accumulated experience and grew her influence within the tech industry, her passion for diversity and inclusion ignited. She leveraged her position to advocate fervently for increased representation of women and minorities in leadership roles. Cleotha took it upon herself to mentor emerging talent and actively participate in initiatives aimed at closing the diversity gap. Her remarkable achievement as the President of the GM Women + Technology organization marked yet another significant milestone, as she became the first black woman to hold such a prestigious position in the technology sector. This milestone shattered barriers and set a powerful example for future generations.



Cleotha's journey in IT for almost 30 years as a black woman is a testament to her resilience, determination, and unwavering passion for technology. Her story is one of breaking barriers, overcoming stereotypes, and advocating for a more inclusive industry. As we continue to strive for diversity and inclusion in the tech world, we can look to individuals like Cleotha as shining examples of what can be achieved when one's passion and perseverance drive them to succeed. Her legacy serves as an inspiration for the generations of black women who aspire to make their mark in IT and beyond.

Shonda Rhimes


“Dreams are lovely but they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.”

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